About Me

My name is David Mills, and I am enrolled at UAGC to graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. I live in Fort Worth, Texas, with my lovely wife, Evan, and our Rat Terrier / Chihuahua mix, Gizmo. I am a remote IT administrator specializing in the z/OS operating system on the IBM mainframe.

I have worked on the mainframe side of IT for around five years now and have a much more limited understanding of middleware/database/open systems administration. I have written many programs in college before, ranging from Java, Python, assembly, and C/C++. My favorite language to write in was C# before transitioning to mainframe.

Now that I work on the z/OS side of things, I primarily use REXX and Unix shell scripts for all of my programming needs (with the help of JCL, which isn't technically a "programming language" but does have some basic IF/THEN structures and such). I have a basic understanding of COBOL and HLASM (assembler on the mainframe) but have yet to write complicated programs using those languages. I hope to use the degree to propel my career forward, allowing me to pursue promotions much faster than if I did not have a degree. My next promotion would bring me to the senior level, which is a long-term goal of mine.

Although I have a somewhat robust understanding of many computer-related topics, there are so many topics in IT that one can never fully complete their learning journey. I hope to continue expanding my limited understanding of some of the basics of IT and reinforce concepts to have a better foundation for my career.

Me in 2019
